Module 2
Nutrition is one of the primary components of nourishment, and it’s a vital part of each person’s health and wellness journey. Still, it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Healthy lifestyle choices paired with nutrition that works for your body and mind is the key to whole-person health.
Defining Physical Health
Bio-Individuality of Nutrition
Nutrition that aligns with holistic health needs can look different from person to person. What works for your body and lifestyle is unique to you, and your nutrition habits and needs will change throughout your life. For example, your friend might feel better after shifting to a vegetarian diet, while you might feel better incorporating more animal protein into your diet. Another example: You may have once loved dairy milk, but you now prefer to drink almond and oat milk. There’s no right or wrong way to nourish yourself; you have to figure out what works for you!
Five Factors That Can Affect Food Choices
The five factors you’ll learn about in this section look different for every person, and they’ll naturally shift as life circumstances change. There are also many factors that can affect food choices beyond the ones we cover here! Honor your bio-individuality and where you are right now and use that to motivate you as you move toward your nutrition goals.
Select each factor for some considerations that fall within that category.
• Age
• Chronic health conditions
• Food allergies and sensitivities
• Genetics
• Illnesses
• Activity level
• Habits
• Schedule
• Sleep
• Stressors
• Access to food
• Convenience
• Geographic location
• Home and work environments
• Season and temperatures
• Attitudes and beliefs about food
• Body Image
• Trauma
• Environmental cues (e.g., plate size)
• Memories
Social, Cultural, and Economic
• Budget
• Cultural messages
• Food availability
• Household members
• Social influences
Spotlight on Social Factors Impacting Nutrition
Social factors often have a strong impact on food choices and ultimately nutrition. For example, you might live in an area where healthy food options are rare. It’s not always easy or even possible to eat healthier, even when you have the knowledge and motivation to do so. These social factors will look different for everyone.
Examples of Social Factors
- Cultural food practices
- Food insecurity
- Literacy
- Loneliness
- Living in a food desert
- Social influences
- Social support
- Sudden changes in employment